EPIK: Edukasi Penerapan Ilmu Konseling https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik <p><strong>EPIK: Edukasi Penerapan Ilmu Konseling</strong> is a journal developed and processed by the Uhamka counseling guidance study program.</p> <p><strong>EPIK: Edukasi Penerapan Ilmu Konseling</strong> was developed by Cici Yulia on December 20, 2021</p> <p><strong>EPIK: Edukasi Penerapan Ilmu Konseling</strong> publishes 2 times, namely in January and July</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA en-US EPIK: Edukasi Penerapan Ilmu Konseling 2810-0611 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CHILDREN PARENTING WITH ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11347 <p>To prevent the increase in household waste production, every family must be able to manage and apply environmentally friendly parenting. One of the implementations is to implement zero waste management in implementing environmentally friendly parenting. The application of zero waste management in toddler parenting takes place at home for 24 hours. Parents have an extra role to carry out parenting for toddlers to reduce waste production at home. In this case, of course, parents are required to have the right parenting in reducing household waste production. Good behavior emerges from good parenting, and vice versa. This paper aims to describe how environmentally friendly parenting styles are used to care for toddlers, so as to create healthy behavior in children both physically and mentally for each family member by implementing zero waste management. The uniqueness of this study is that it shows that the application of zero waste management in toddler parenting has a strong influence in reducing household waste and reducing consumptive lifestyles for the sake of creating families that have environmentally friendly parenting patterns. The results showed that there were three main themes, namely (1) Application of zero waste management, (2) Child care patterns, (3) Reducing household waste production.</p> Agung Tadi Prawoto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 1 2 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11347 KEBAHAGIAAN GURU BK USIA DEWASA MADYA DITINJAU DARI GENDER DAN WILAYAH TEMPAT TINGGAL https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11348 <p>Providing services at school requires healthy psychological conditions, one of which is feeling happy at school. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the happiness of counseling teachers based on the area of residence. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with independent sample test data analysis. The research subjects were BK Kuningan and DKI Jakarta teachers with a total of 83 people, consisting of 50 female BK teachers and 43 male teachers. Meanwhile, based on the area, there are 63 teachers in Kuningan and 21 in Jakarta. The instrument used to measure authentic happiness is a modification of the Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI). The results of independent samples test data analysis were obtained for gender with a significance of &lt;0.05 (0.000 &lt;0.05), so there was a difference in the happiness of counseling teachers based on gender. Whereas for independent samples test data analysis based on area of residence with a significance of &gt; 0.05 (0.428 &gt; 0.05), there is no difference in the happiness of counseling teachers based on the Kuningan and Jakarta areas.</p> Fatma Nofriza Chandra Dewi Sukmawardhani Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 50 54 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11348 Tutoring Based Classroom Management Off-Task Behavioral Solutions https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11351 <p>Off-task behavior is behavior that disrupts the learning process that often appears in the classroom. The phenomenon of off-task behavior also occurs in elementary schools which is the background for this research. The focus of attention in this study is to reduce the off-task behavior that exists in these elementary schools through guidance-based classroom management. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of guidance-based classroom management in reducing off-task behavior. The research was conducted using a form of collaborative action research, which means that researchers and teachers collaborate in conducting guidance-based classroom management. The research data were obtained quantitatively using instruments developed by the researchers which then became the pre-test and post-test in this study. From research conducted on grade 3 elementary school students, showing a decrease in the value of the subject's off-task behavior, it can be concluded that guidance-based classroom management has an effect on students' off-task behavior.</p> Haning Tri Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 70 78 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11351 TINGKAT KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL PESERTA DIDIK https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11353 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research is motivated by the phenomenon found in class XI students of SMAN 39 East &nbsp;Jakarta who feel that a person has more abilities in motivating themselves, resilience in the face of failure, controlling emotions and delaying gratification, and regulating mental states. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of Emotional Intelligence Level in class XI students of SMAN 39 East Jakarta.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research method used is a quantitative research approach with descriptive research methods. The population of 252 students in class XI research sample 155 people through simple random sampling technique.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In data analysis using descriptive analysis of respondents' answers, the results of the study show that the level of Emotional Intelligence experienced by class XI students at SMAN 39 East Jakarta is in the high category with a percentage of 75.5%.</p> Elsa Cahyaningtiyas Nuraini Nuraini Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 71 80 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11353 The Effectiveness of Behavioral Group Guidance with Modeling Techniques to Improve Students' Self-Adjustment to Learning in the New Normal Era https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11354 <p>Today students show symptoms of poor self-adjustment behavior in learning, such as coming to school not on time/late, utilizing information and communication technology to play games, chatting on social media, when the camera zoom is turned off, students find it difficult to understand material explanations. learning from the teacher, confused about how to use the application for online learning and also difficulty in doing the assignments given by the teacher. Various crushes experienced by students in the new normal era have not been effective by being given group guidance for overcoming them. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the differences between students' adjustment to study in the experimental group and the control group after participating in group guidance services using a behavioral approach with modeling and conventional techniques. The research method used is quantitative research. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment Design with a pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study was 218 students, with a sample of 22 students divided into 11 students for the experimental group and 11 students for the control group. Sampling used purposive sampling. The research instrument used a Likert Scale model,. The results showed that there were differences in students' self-adjustment in learning the experimental group who followed group guidance using a behavioral approach with modeling techniques with the control group being given group guidance services without special treatment.</p> Risma Julia Utami Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 81 85 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11354 The Effectiveness of Behavioral Group Guidance with Modeling Techniques to Improve Students' Self-Adjustment to Learning in the New Normal Era https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11355 <p>Today students show symptoms of poor self-adjustment behavior in learning, such as coming to school not on time/late, utilizing information and communication technology to play games, chatting on social media, when the camera zoom is turned off, students find it difficult to understand material explanations. learning from the teacher, confused about how to use the application for online learning and also difficulty in doing the assignments given by the teacher. Various crushes experienced by students in the new normal era have not been effective by being given group guidance for overcoming them. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the differences between students' adjustment to study in the experimental group and the control group after participating in group guidance services using a behavioral approach with modeling and conventional techniques. The research method used is quantitative research. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment Design with a pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study was 218 students, with a sample of 22 students divided into 11 students for the experimental group and 11 students for the control group. Sampling used purposive sampling. The research instrument used a Likert Scale model,. The results showed that there were differences in students' self-adjustment in learning the experimental group who followed group guidance using a behavioral approach with modeling techniques with the control group being given group guidance services without special treatment.</p> Ahmat Ario Akbar Catur Rohmiasih Catur Rohmiati Nuri Cholidah Hanum Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 55 61 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11355 TARGET Approach Through Virtual Bulletin To Increase Early Adult Achievement Motivation https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/epik/article/view/11356 <p>The industrial era 4.1 brought the will of technology and information that made almost all lines of life required to be able to adapt to changes. The adaptation required has also penetrated the world of education, the delivery of information that occurs between lecturers and students has now changed. In the past, the delivery of information only took place face-to-face, now it has varied. Various methods and media that can be chosen must be able to take advantage of technological advances as assistance in fostering student competence. This condition gives rise to the view that it is important to equip students with various knowledge and opportunities to be able to take advantage of various technologies and ease in accessing information. Virtual bulletins as a form of channeling student expression in the digital world according to their potential. The direction of the virtual bulletin with the TARGET approach (Tasks, Authority, Recognition, Grouping, Evaluation, Time / Ames 1992) to increase student achievement motivation in accordance with their potential as well as have a positive impact on their future career maturity. The strategy in the TARGET approach in the preparation of Virtual Bulletins with the target of early adulthood (FKIP UHAMKA BK students). Action Research is designed to increase student achievement motivation according to their potential.</p> Siti Hajar Haning Tri Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 2022-12-26 2022-12-26 1 2 62 69 10.37010/epik.v1i2.11356