ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022-08-14T01:26:31+07:00 Retno Mardhiati Adiwiryono, S.KM, M.Kes Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ARDIMAS (Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat)</strong> is a journal published by the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. p-ISSN 2716-232X e-ISSN 2721-1568. Articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by 2 reviewers with the blind method. <strong>ARDIMAS</strong> journal is issued in the frequency of two times a year in <strong>March</strong> and <strong>October</strong>.<br />The submission articles for the <strong>ARDIMAS</strong> journal adheres to the online submission system on the website. There are no binding rules regarding initial submission, as long as the article structure has been confirmed to be compliant with our guidelines. The manuscript that has already been submitted to the reviewing process will be sent back to be revised (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">see the guidelines carefully</a>).</p> <p><iframe class="ginger-extension-definitionpopup" style="left: 345.5px; top: -80px; z-index: 100001; display: none;" src="chrome-extension://kdfieneakcjfaiglcfcgkidlkmlijjnh/content/popups/definitionPopup/index.html?title=March&amp;description=the%20act%20of%20marching%3B%20walking%20with%20regular%20steps%20(especially%20in%20a%20procession%20of%20some%20kind)"></iframe></p> <p> </p> STRATEGIES TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 IN THE YOUTH GENERATION AND THE YOUTH FORCE MUHAMMADIYAH, BEKASI REGENCY 2022-08-14T01:26:29+07:00 Ikhwan Ridha Wilti <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>The area of Sumber Jaya Village, South Tambun sub-district as a partner area in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) is included in the five sub-districts with high cases of Covid-19, there as many as 29 positive cases, 14 close contacts, and 22 suspects. With the high number of cases, efforts are needed to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19. Muhammadiyah Youth Forces have a big role in deciding the spread because they can go directly to the community in conveying matters related to the importance of maintaining immunity as one of the conditions for preventing Covid-19. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to provide education to the younger generation and the Muhammadiyah Youth Force in Bekasi Regency for the role of the younger generation to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Bekasi Regency. Stages of activities carried out within the scope of the Muhammadiyah Youth Force and the younger generation of Bekasi Regency which was carried out through social media and online lectures/counseling via Zoom, and included several mass media and have been shown on Youtube, carried out in July 2021 with a total of 138 participants. The result of the pre-test and post-test on the Muhammadiyah Youth of Bekasi Regency, for knowledge, the results of the pre-test good knowledge were "96.4%” while the post-test good knowledge was "98.6%”, this caused the existence of an increase of "2.4%” after counseling. In the attitude category, the results of a good attitude during pre-test and post-test were "99.3%”, while the unfavorable attitude during the pre-test and post-test was "0.7%”. It was concluded that the role of education, can increase the knowledge and attitudes of the younger generation to maintain body immunity as one of the preventions of Covid-19.</p> <p><br>Keywords : Muhammadiyah Youth Force, Covid-19, young generation</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat EDUCATION AND EARLY DETECTION OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN ADOLESCENTS AGES 12-24 YEARS OLD IN CIPANCUR VILLAGE, KALIMANGGIS DISTRICT IN 2020 2022-08-14T01:26:29+07:00 Hamdan Indrayani Ade Saprudin Nia Musniati <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) are a challenge that continues to occur in various countries, including Indonesia. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to adolescents, especially about non- communicable diseases and early detection of the risk of non-communicable diseases in adolescents. Cipancur village is a partner in this activity with the target of the activity being teenagers aged 12-24 years. The activity was carried out on Sunday, December 27, 2020, in the Cipancur village hall which was attended by 20 teenagers. Activities consist of coordination, making educational materials, measuring blood pressure, weight, TB, counseling, and closing. The counseling was carried out using the lecture method, question and answer, and leaflet distribution. The results of blood pressure measurements showed that 20% of adolescents had a BMI in the obese category, 45% pre hypertension, and 20% hypertension, after being given counseling there were 75% of participants increased their knowledge of PTM in adolescents. In conclusion, counseling using lecture and leaflet methods are effective in increasing adolescent knowledge of non-communicable diseases. Suggestions, Teenagers must maintain their health by reducing eating fast food, not smoking, exercising diligently, behaving well in the community, by applying the SMART pattern. In addition, the recommendations that are expected from this activity are 1) there is a youth community in Cipancur village to disseminate information about noncommunicable diseases, especially not smoking in adolescents and to the wider community, so that the community is expected to be healthy 2) there is always monitoring from local health workers, especially health promotions or health promotions. village midwives on the coverage of health services for adolescents who have not been reached by health workers.</p> <p><br>Keywords: Early Detection, Non-communicable diseases, adolescent</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat IMPROVEMENT OF LEGAL AWARENESS FOR PREVENTION AND HANDLING CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) REMAJA RUKUN WARGA (RW) 09 KELURAHAN PEKOJAN 2022-08-14T01:26:30+07:00 Mukhlish Muhammad Maududi Gilang Kumari Putra Zulfahmi Yasir Yunan <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>The dense population and the high number of coronavirus disease sufferers 2019 (COVID-19) in Tambora sub-district correlate with low community awareness to comply with the rules on the prevention and spread of COVID-19 as the background held assistance activities to accommodate the expectations of partners to hold assistance to the citizens of Rukun Warga (RW) 9 Pekojan Village to provide increased awareness and knowledge about the importance of doing business. To prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by complying with the COVID-19 protocol regulations, so that the level of population awareness increases, it is important that socialization and education are provided in efforts to prevent and handle COVID 19 with Mitra Karang Taruna RW 09 Pekojan Village Tambora subdistrict. The problem faced by partners is that many laws and regulations related to the prevention and handling of COVID-19 and sanctions have not been fully socialized properly and awareness and knowledge about the proper prevention and handling of COVID-19 are still low. In this activity, the method used by combining several methods, in the delivery of material delivered with interactive lecture methods, with tools in the form of projectors, after which there is a discussion of brainstorming so that the material delivered more in-depth, by looking at the background and problems of solution partners offered and implemented is to assist citizens and participants experience increased knowledge and have awareness of the importance of maintaining and implementing the COVID-19 protocol to reduce the number of COVID-19 spread in Pekojan village.</p> <p>Keywords: Improvement, Awareness, Youth Organization, COVID-19, Counseling</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat COUNSELING OF LOCAL FOOD AND GIVING SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO MUZDALIFAH AND LYDIA ORPHANAGE 2022-08-14T01:26:30+07:00 Nurul Azizah Choiriyah Zaldy Iskandar Arya Putra Sundjaja Irra Chrisyanti Dewi Latifahtur Rahmah <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>Muzdalifah orphanage is a foundation that educates and cares for orphans aged 3 months-12 years. The Lydia orphanage focuses on developing elementary to high school children. The management and caregivers of the foundation are responsible for the health of foster children by providing nutritious food. The purpose of this community service wasto increase knowledge of local foodstuffs in increasing the body's immune system for the management of the Muzdalifah and Lydia orphanages also providing social assistance to meet the needs of orphans cared for by the two orphanages. Community service activities were carried out at the Muzdalifah orphanage, Jalan S Parman V No. 57A Waru, Sidoarjo, and the Lydia orphanage, Jalan Gayungsari V No. 17-21 Surabaya. Community service activities carried out are counseling on local foodstuffs to increase the body's immunity by using material modules and posters. The pre-test and post-test activities were carried out to Muzdalifah orphanage is a foundation that educates and cares for orphans aged 3 months-12 years. The Lydia orphanage focuses on developing elementary to high school children. The management and caregivers of the foundation are responsible for the health of foster children by providing nutritious food. The purpose of this community service wasto increase knowledge of local foodstuffs in increasing the body's immune system for the management of the Muzdalifah and Lydia orphanages also providing social assistance to meet the needs of orphans cared for by the two orphanages. Community service activities were carried out at the Muzdalifah orphanage, Jalan S Parman V No. 57A Waru, Sidoarjo, and the Lydia orphanage, Jalan Gayungsari V No. 17-21 Surabaya. Community service activities carried out are counseling on local foodstuffs to increase the body's immunity by using material modules and posters. The pre-test and post-test activities were carried out to measure increased knowledge of local food material that can increase body immunity. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, the knowledge of the board and caretakers of the foundation increased after counseling on local foodstuffs was held. The percentage of increased knowledge is 67-77%. Social assistance provided by the servant to foster children includes diapers, staple foodstuffs, and hygiene needs. Community service activities went on smoothly. The board of the orphanage was enthusiastic about participating in the counseling. Foster children also feel happy with the hospitality that has been done and the assistance provided.</p> <p>Keywords: immunity, local food, counseling, vitamins</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat INCREASING QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE ELDERLY THROUGH FAMILY ASSISTANCE 2022-08-14T01:26:31+07:00 Erlin Listiyaningsih Bety Semara Lakhsmi Leli Hesti Indriyati <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>The elderly are part of the natural stage of life as human beings. Some people will make various efforts to avoid the aging process. However, these efforts should be conducted as early as possible and cover the various factors involved in the aging process. A person in the aging process experiences various changes both physically and mentally, including a decline in both physical and physiological abilities. This community service activity is in the form of providing education about how to deal with their physical and physiological changes to get qualified and happy life, as well as simple health services. The implementation of the program takes place through the through the Community Partnership in "Improving the Quality of Life, for the Elderly through Family Assistance". The expected outcomes of this program are increased understanding of the occurrence of changes in the ability of physical activity and physiology in the elderly body, preparing for old age, and providing psychosocial support to families to achieve optimal independence in old age. This Partnership Program was implemented on Friday, April 19, 2019, at DKM Al Barokah, PWI Jaya Complex, Cilebut Bogor, and on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, at DKM Nurul Jihad Jl. North Jakarta Kalibaru Port. The total number of participants reached 78 people at the two community service locations along with DKM administrators, community leaders, and local religious leaders. In both populations, hypertension was the disease with the highest prevalence (37.2%), 12,8% had high blood glucose, 14% have dyslipidemia, and most (73.8%) of them did not perform routine physical activity.</p> <p><br>Keywords: Elderly, Quality Life, Family Support</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat ONLINE TRAINING ON OBESITY PREVENTION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC FOR STUDENTS OF SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 4 AND 36 DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE 2022-08-14T01:26:31+07:00 Sarah Handayani Nursyifa Rahma Maulida Hidayati Imas Arumsari <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><br>Obesity in children is one of the public health problems at the world level that is worrying because the trend of increasing prevalence continues to increase. Obese children are more likely to be obese in adulthood. The method used in this community service is divided into two methods, the first is training on the identification of obesity risk behavior in adolescents, the second is training on prevention of obesity risk behavior in adolescents. This intervention aims to evaluate whether online training for the prevention of COVID-19 can increase the average knowledge score of respondents and whether this method is well accepted. The results of the intervention showed an increase in the mean value of participants' knowledge. In the pre-test the average was 6,69, while the average in the post-test rose to 7,93. This online training on COVID-19 prevention was also well received by the participants and also the Principal. To prevent the increased risk of obesity in junior high school students, schools need to collaborate with other institutions in order to carry out online training.</p> <p>Keywords : COVID-19 prevention, adolescence, junio high school Muhammadiyah</p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ARDIMAS: Jurnal Arsip Pengabdian Masyarakat