This study assesses the impact of the CBBE antecedent instrument of cognitive
(internal consumer) and marketing (external) factors on the formation of brand equity through
brand personality in e-commerce companies. The study was conducted with a quantitative
approach by distributing questionnaires as many as 153 respondents who are active users and
have frequently made purchases through e-commerce in Indonesia which are then processed
using SPSS 25. The results of the study indicate that cognitive antecedents have a positive
effect on brand personality and brand equity. Marketing antecedents in e-commerce
companies in Indonesia have no effect on brand equity but have an influence on brand
personality. Brand personality is proven to be able to partially mediate cognitive factors and
fully mediate marketing factors on brand equity. This research provides the latest
contribution to the development of a digital industry strategy to build brand equity in ecommerce companies, especially through brand personality